Thursday, April 22, 2010

Normal days in Capim Grosso

This last Sunday (Domingo) was a nice quiet day. A day for chorus, visits and relaxing. I was feeling good, Rami was feeling better and it was a beautiful hot day. We had a visit from Fabio, Sacia and the boys. We all had lunch together. Aija got me to steal fruit from the school attached to our compound. Fruit taste better stolen!

Acerola fruit - high in vitamin C - Good for sickos

I washed my laundry by hand. This week my jobs are taking out the garbage which entails bring it across the street before lunch and dumping it on the sidewalk. I guess someone comes by and gets it... It feels a little strange though. My other task is hand washing all the rags that we use for cleaning everything else. Other chorus I've done but have forgotten to mention in the past are cleaning the bathroom (including taking out the trash which is gross considering we don't throw our used toilet tissue in the toilet), periodically picking avocados if they are not falling fast enough and taking a machete to the weeds in the garden and laundry area. Hard stuff but everyone has to take a turn at all the chours - alls fair! It's much nicer when it's clean and unstinkey!

Rami may be well enough to teach dance Thursday. Monday she was ambitious enough to go to Feria (the open market) with me. We didn't make it all the way there but we did make it to the guy who pressed sugarcane to juice and got some with lime pressed with it - good enough to make anyone feel better!

For pictures!

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