Saturday, March 27, 2010

Our Whirlwind Arrival (2 days)

So our trip started off like clock-work. Before we new it we were sitting at our gate with plenty of time on our hands. Rami did yoga. I jumped in for a little bit then went back to being catatonic. Our flight was nice... we got stuck in Atlanta for around 5 hours... good times... I remember it as if it were yesterday... The rest of the trip was nice. We arrived met Fabio and his friend who drove us home.

The distance from Salvadore to Capim Grosso is analogous to driving from Oakland to LA. The traffic was crazy as anyone who has traveled to a Caribbean country might know. Green and beautiful. Our driver (sorry I can't remember his name) was a dare devil with super reflexes. As it got dark I had to close my eyes so I didn't have to suppress the ergo to scream. Rami saw a marge of a black cow running along side the road. It disappeared right after it ran in front of our car - we were tired.

Sacia and Fabio are now the parents of beautiful twin baby boys Gabriel and Zeca. Bundles of cuteness. They love the two baby stroller we brought for them. I think having it here is significant. People stop and stare as they pass. Rami started her dance class for the little kids today. They are so cute. I went to the market to help by veggies and helped make lunch. They wanted pizza - go figure. We had lots of other yummy food.

There are several other volunteers in our compound Charles, Jon, Flavia, Marena, Melanie and Nadia. Everyone is so wonderful. We eat on the patio in the court yard. Everyone takes turns doing chores. Rami and I start in the rotation at the beginning of the week.

Later I volunteered at the local coop. They have lots of locally crafts and products. One of the big projects the have is to find uses for a small nut called licudi. It's a coconut like nut that is around the size of an almond (rounder and smaller. The tree is endangered and there trying to save it. John is REALLY into licudi. Our visit we are off to the compound again. The as we walk I look at the city. It's filled with mostly one story brick and stucco houses/compounds and trees ( little different than Salvadore). It takes some getting use to but I've decided that I think it's beautiful in it's own way.

Back at the compound... We are invited to a Heavy Metal concert in town. What was notable? It was a community event. People of all ages were there. It was my dream to be in the midst of other Metal loving Africans - BAM there it is! Rami and I danced up a storm; a mash-pit was started and pictures were taken and perhaps a video? We may add more later. I didn't sleep till 3:30am.


I co-taught an English class at 8:00am. Then after class we had ice cream with our students.

After a wonderful lunch we went to a break-dance class. After that we went to a party for Sacia and Fabio's new babies. Rami played really hard with Bianca the 6 year old warrior princess. While there we experienced homemade chocolates, trading children's hand-slap games in English and Portuguese and lots of hugs. Then a walk back to the compound. On the way back the streets are packed for another community dance Fiesta tonight. As we walk it starts to rain. By the time we get back to the compound the rain is pouring. We sit on the patio while Nadia make sure her baby (a kitten) is okay. Then I start this entry to all of you reading. Guess what? It's only 8pm. There is a band playing in the main square of town and most of the town is out there. I might go but I'm exhausted. I still might...

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