Saturday, May 8, 2010


I had lots of fun in Salvador dispite the fact that it rained intermittently. When ever there was a brake in the clouds we were out trying to find what was happening. we were fortunatly adviced to check out Dida an all women samba percusion band. which we did.

Check out the pictures here.

Here's some video

We went to a lake with statues of the Orixa on it. It was confusing. The colors and the symbols that they held weren't the ones I'm familer with from Yourba. It was pretty at night. It rained particularly hard giving me the start of the cold I have now. It rained so hard there were times were I had to hold my breath like I was under water. Crazy! We had a couple more great expericances before we left Salvador but you'll have to catch one of us to find out the particulars. We are home now. We both have colds and jetlag. I'm happy to be home though. It was an adventure and a lot of fun but it's nice to be here with my husband and dog. Nothing like a good kiss and cuddle - and that was just from my dog.

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